The Sierra de Albarracín cheeses once again participate in a new edition of the Salón de Gourmets (Hall of Gourmets) the largest annual concentration of high-end food and beverage products in Europe. The international fair, of a strictly professional nature, is the biggest showcase for delicatessen products and the space where trade between producers and consumers is encouraged. A rich program of activities related to gastronomy which took place from 24 to 27 April at the IFEMA in Madrid and has broke the record with 93,346 professionals!
In our stand everything was prepared to welcome the interested foodies and lovers of the gourmet artisan cheese. This year Sierra de Albarracín participated as the current most awarded Dairy in Spain at the World Cheese Awards, a recognition that undoubtedly won the attention of those who came here.
All of our award winning cheeses were present, in different sizes. Among them, the great novelty of this year: the cheeses of La Cava de Mia (soft paste and pressed pasta), which were premiered at this Fair and thus announced in the exhibition space for the gourmet novelties in 2017.
In the meantime, we could not be better accompanied, within the space of Aragón Alimentos, sharing the experience with other exemplary agri-food companies to which we thank their company from here.
Artículo de @JuanBarbacil publicado en @heraldoes sobre la participación de empresas @Aragón sector #Agroalimentario en @SalondeGourmets— Aragón Alimentos (@aragonalimentos) 26 de abril de 2017
Among the thousands of visitors who passed by our gourmet space, it was nice to see our friend Antonio Mariscal or the Aragonese chef Rubén Pertusa again.
🧀 Con @CheesefromSpain saboreando algunos de los mejores quesos del mundo y que también llevamos a #Altafulla ¡y más allá! #SalondeGourmets— Mariscal & Sarroca (@GourmetFoodES) 27 de abril de 2017
The spanish actress Lluvia Rojo and the TV show "Dani & Flo" (Cuatro) ran into our stand and it caused a very original proposal!
In short, we return to Albarracín from the Salon de Gourmets with many things to tell ... and many fewer cheeses!.
Thanks for both! We remind you that you have available our online store so that you can also enjoy at home our gastronomic treasures.

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