If you are a cheese lover it's your lucky
day. Today we want to give you some tips to present, consume and preserve
Cheese from Albarracín to get the best out of it.
To present cheese from Albarracin, keep its
cylindrical shape (it is more important than cutting thin slices) because it
will allow us to cut it into wedges, which are the easiest way to eat cheese.
Once we’ve cut it, it's time to taste our
cheese from Albarracin (this is the best part). Alberto Asensio, Albarracin
cheese factory's manager, recommends tasting it at room temperature.
Consequently, our cheese will need more time out of the fridge in winter than
in summer (some minutes will be enough in summer, however, we’ll need at least
30 minutes in winter).
Last but not least: preservation. It’s recommended to keep our
cheese always in the fridge (no matter when). Some people doesn’t like it
because it gets dry, but don’t worry, we give you a tip to avoid this annoying
consequence: Cover your wedge of cheese
with a wet dish towel. It will protect your cheese with a humid film and it
will last more, however, it’s better to eat a cut cheese in a few weeks.
Check our website, find the Cheese from
Albarracin you like most and start practising our tips.